Saturday, December 1, 2007

Pay Per Click Categories

Pay Per Click consist of keyword PPC, product PPC and service PPC search engines. Many companies fall into more than one category. The method currently used by pay per click doesn’t create returns on the traffic that visits the site where the ad is placed. Instead, money is made when a user clicks onto the ad and ends up visiting the particular advertiser’s site.

Pay Per Click Keywords

Individuals who want to sell goods and services bid on keywords. These are basically words and phrases that can also contain numbers for product models. Advertisers try to ascertain exactly what words a user will type to search for particular products or merchandise. Advertiser links are ranked in order of the total amount that was bid for certain keywords or phrases. Keywords are sometimes called search terms and they are what makes pay per click advertising work as well as it does. Advertisers protect their keywords like classified secrets. Few companies even offer software or assist advertisers in creating successful keyword campaigns.

Search engines who are popular and have had much success with pay per click search engines that focus on keywords are Google AdWords, Ask, Baidu, Yahoo! Search Marketing and LookSmart.

Pay Per Click Products

Product search engines allow merchants to provide “feeds” of product databases. When a user searches for a particular product, links to various advertisers of the product will emerge. This offers added distinction to those advertisers who have paid more. It also allows the user to list by price. This way they can view the lowest price for a particular product and then click to purchase it. Search engines that do this are also referred to as price comparison search engines or product comparison search engines. Search engines that have proved successful in this endeavor are, NexTag and Shopzilla.

Pay Per Click Services

The pay per click service search engines work in much the same way as pay per click products. When a user is looking for a service that will offer links to an advertiser for a certain service, links will appear. Higher standing will be awarded to those advertisers who have paid more. This method lets users arrange the results by other categories than just price.

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