Friday, July 11, 2008

Basic Adwords Features

Google AdWords is an effective, quick and simpler way of advertising on Google. This effective advertising medium is cost-effective, reliable, reachable and flexible. It caters to small, medium and large businesses.

The basic features and terminology for an advertiser to know are as follows:

--> Adwords Account: AdWords account, is a dashboard relating to your AdWords advertising. Your AdWords account includes your AdWords campaigns, billing history, Details regarding performance data i.e Reports. This dashboard includes campaigns, adgroups, keywords, ads and other parameters.

--> Campaign: Campaigns within the account are used to categorise and structure the products/services of your company. A Campaign in turn consists of one or more adgroups.

--> Adgroup: Adgroup contains ad/ads that are targeted to a single set of keywords. Maximum price can be set for an entire adgroup i.e at the adgroup level or for individual keywords within adgroup i.e at the keyword level.

--> Keyword: The keywords within an adgroup are used to target your potential customers by means of ad/ads. For example: If your company is into selling used computers, then you can use "used computers" as a keyword within your adgroup. When Google user enters "used computers" in the search, your ad appears on the right side of the search results under sponsored listings.

--> Ads: An adwords ads helps you to target potential customers. It provides different Ad formats like Text, Image, Video, Local Business, Mobile and Traditional Media Ad Formats.

--> Impressions: Refers to the number of times an ad is displayed on Google.

--> Clicks: Refers to the number of times your ad is clicked by users on Google.

--> CTR: Clickthrough Rate (CTR) is the number of times your ad is clicked divided by the number of times your ad is displayed on Google.

--> CPC: Cost-Per-Click (CPC) is the amount that you pay each time a user on Google clicks on your ad.

--> CPM: Cost-per-thousand Impressions (CPM) is the amount that you pay for impressions received.

--> Google Network: The Google Network is a network of large group of websites and other products, such as email programs and blogs, who have partnered with Google to display AdWords ads. Advertisers have the option of running their ads on Google as well as the Google Network that have sites partnered with Google for no extra cost.

--> Search Network: If your campaigns are under the option keyword-targeted then they are automatically eligible to appear on the search network. Search network includes,, EarthLink and many others.

--> Content Network: If your ads within campaigns are targeted based on content themes and and may use keywords (keyword targeting) or target sites or placements on those sites (placement targeting) and are placed under the option placement-targeted then they are automatically eligible to appear on the content network. Content network includes, and many more.

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