Thursday, July 31, 2008

Text Ad

Text Ad in Google adwords, is a short ad with 5 lines describing the business, product/service and URL that is displayed of a particular company and destination URL that leads users to the company's landing page.. The same need to be concise, action-oriented and describes product/services in terms of features, offers etc.

The following is an example of a Text Ad:


Beautiful Flowers
Beautiful Same Day Flowers
Trust Us, Fast UK Delivery


In the above example,

a) The first line is the Headline
b) Second line is the description line 1
c) Third line is the description line 2
d) The fourth line is the display URL
e) The fifth line is the destination URL

The headline is the main caption that highlights the business of the company. The Max limit is 25 characters.

Description Line 1:
This line describes further the business in terms of product's features, business and offers. The Max limit is 35 characters.

Description Line 2:
This line will mostly include call to action words related to the product's/service's business. The Max limit is 35 characters.

Display URL:
The display URL is only for the company's main url's display on the ad. The Max limit is 35 characters.

Destination URL:
The destination URL will lead the user to the actual landing page. The Max limit is 1024 characters.

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