Friday, January 30, 2009

New traffic Model – Google Ad Planner

A new traffic model for Google Ad Planner is now made available by Google to all advertisers. If you want to update and know more site information to plan your display advertising campaigns; also understand audiences on the web, Google Ad Planner can be of great help to you.

The purpose behind providing such a traffic model is to provide the advertisers with more site information and accurate traffic details.

Most often advertisers end up in getting confused in tracking the unique visitors to the site. As many of them choose web server logs and web analytics tools such as Google Analytics, to get the realistic number (Unique visitors) and often realize the difference in numbers.

To address the ways of measuring the site traffic, Google has come up with the following:

Unique Visitors (cookies): Added the feature, new cookie-based metric to compare metrics and is similar to Google Analytics unique visitor metrics.

Unique Visitors (users): Changed Unique Visitors to Unique Visitors (users), to get the estimates of real world users.

• The above mentioned metrics, are placed on a site’s profile page to get the accurate data for media planning.

Now, few more country demographics for Australia, Brazil, Japan, and Switzerland are added that makes demographics total to ten countries. Also added, new demographics category, Children in Household to enhance the research.

Page view estimates will now be noticed to be more accurate and consistent with web server measurements.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Free TV Ad Creation

Google TV Ads has now partnered with SpotMixer to enable advertisers to use a new, free ad creation service. In other words, one can create their own TV commercial by using library of free images, audio and video content, or content from outside the library
i e. own uploaded content. Access this information while creating Google TV Ad campaigns.

This feature could help and give an opportunity for the advertisers to advertise their Ads using the new, free Ad creation service to widen the dimensions of advertising ones products/services.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Google Network

Google Network: It is a network with large groups of sites and other products like: blogs and email programs etc. These above mentioned categories in Google network, partner with Google to display AdWords ads and advertisers have a choice to advertise their ads both on Google and Google Network without any extra cost.

There are 2 components in Google Network: 1) The search network 2) The content network.

The Search Network:

Ads are targeted depending on the users search terms. For example, if the user searches for 'used PCs' on Google, then all the related ads will be displayed, next to the search results.

The Content Network:

Ads are targeted depending on the content themes instead of search terms/keywords. Therefore, the users can also specify particular websites.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

AdWords - Alcohol Policy

Google AdWords has made changes to its editorial policies. It will now allow the alcohol manufacturers to advertise their products in the U.S. through AdWords. As, this was not permitted until now.

Beer manufacturers will now be allowed to directly advertise for their products.

However, on the other hand the hard alcohol and liqueur can be marketed to people who are looking out for alcohol related information. The advertisers can suggest ideas for cocktails during the holiday season and the calorie content of these drinks and other aspects relevant to the drinks. In other words, search advertising will now be allowed for these advertisers as well.

For any further information, advertisers may visit AdWords’ Advertising Policies Page.
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